The following strategies came as the result of a recent study completed by research teams from La Trobe University and The University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia.
Cognitive change/Analytic strategies
- If a worry comes into your head, ask yourself whether it is a problem you can actually solve.
- When feeling anxious, ask yourself whether your thoughts right now are helping your anxiety or not.
- Generate some helpful thoughts, and say them to yourself in anxious situations (e.g., “other people have managed with my problems, so I can too”, “I’ll never be perfect, just like everyone else”, “this is difficult, but I got through it before”).
- Identify the specific situations or triggers that are making you stressed or anxious and keep a record of your anxiety levels.
- Understand the typical ways you react and behave when you become anxious.
Coping techniques/Interpersonal strategies
- Carry a list of things that may help if you become frightened or anxious (e.g., strategies, alternative thoughts).
- Seek support from friends and family.
- Talk about problems and feelings with a trusted person who will listen and understand.
Lifestyle/Reducing tension
- Spend time in contact with nature/more time outdoors.
- Have regular leisure time (e.g., pursuing a hobby).
- Eat regular meals.
- Relieve times of high anxiety by exercise or physical activity.
- Use a self-help book based on cognitive behavior therapy principles.
For further support and advice go to:
Source: Eapassist – Workplace Stress