Research indicates that over 80% of millennials want to work for a company that is a good corporate citizen & that more than 70% of all employees want their company to make a positive impact socially and environmentally.
Donating to charities is currently one common practice by which many employers address their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Unfortunately, it is suggested that up to 90% of donations do not ever reach their intended recipient. So, is there a better way for employers to make a real difference?
Eap Assist suggests that employers consider donations made directly to the intended recipient/s.
For example, look for individuals with significant needs within your community, such as the homeless. Establish a fund to pay for their accommodation, possibly in shared housing, and roster staff to visit them to provide support & companionship. Many firms report significant improvement in employee engagement as the result of such practices.
Larger firms may wish to consider establishing dedicated housing to provide short-term support to those in need of crisis accommodation, such as victims of domestic violence. Victims of domestic violence who manage to flee their family home often return to their abusive situation due to housing needs prior to appropriate safety measures being put in place.
For those firms considering a more proactive response to issues of Corporate Social Responsibility please contact us to discuss shared options & ideas.
Source: – A Time for Giving